California License Attorney

Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology & Hearing Aid Dispensers License

As single California board holds authority to issue state licenses for speech-language pathology, audiology, and hearing aid dispenser practices. That board also, however, oversees the profession and takes administrative actions against any whom they deem to have committed criminal or unprofessional conduct.

This can mean a citation and fine, which will go on your record accessible to potential clients at the board's website. It can also mean putting your license on probation, putting it on interim suspension during the investigation, or suspending or revoking it.

These consequences are too great to risk "going it alone" at your administrative hearing or simply ignoring the process and hoping it will somehow resolve itself. At California License Attorney, we understand the whole process and the rules that govern it and determine its outcome.

Complaints commonly filed against speech-language pathologists and audiologists include: insurance fraud, negligence, poor record keeping practices, false representations associated with selling a hearing aid, poor testing methods, substance abuse, and unprofessional conduct. These are all serious charges, but at California License Attorney, we understand how to do everything possible to protect your license even when the allegations are severe.

How Can We Help? 888-959-0068

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License in Danger?

Call now and speak to an expert license attorney about protecting your professional license
