California License Attorney

Respiratory Care Practitioner License

In California, there are a number of different state-issued professional licenses that govern medical specialty practices, among them the respiratory care practitioner license. Gaining a respiratory care license is not easy, to say the least. It takes years of hard study and a tedious, expensive license application process.

Yet, the truth is that respiratory care therapists are always at risk of being charged with any number of allegations that could put their license at risk. When The Respiratory Care Board of California even suspects you of criminal or unprofessional conduct, such as insurance fraud, drug or alcohol abuse, or gross negligence in treating (or not treating) patients, you whole career is immediately threatened.

First, you will receive a notice of an investigation being conducting into the matter. Later, a formal complaint may be filed against you, and your license could be suspended or revoked at an administrative hearing. Or, it may be only a citation is issued, but even that is serious since it can affect your professional reputation and your ability to gain new clients.

At California License Attorney, we have longtime experience at challenging accusations of financial or medical misconduct brought against you. We know how to expose false accusers and how to argue your case effectively at the administrative hearing. We can assist you in getting your application for a new license approved, protecting your license from suspension, getting citations removed from your record, getting a license reinstated, and in removing interim suspensions so you can continue to work during the process.

How Can We Help? 888-959-0068

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License in Danger?

Call now and speak to an expert license attorney about protecting your professional license
